Elective Course

Elective courses are listed in the first table. Meteorology study program offers three different blocks: industrial meteorology (IN), operational meteorology (OP), and atmospheric science (SA). These blocks encourage students to focus their interest on a specialized field in meteorology. Each student who has selected a block, he/she is required to enroll on specific courses that are assigned to that block (listed as IN, OP, and SA in the first table).

For students who are willing to take elective course outside the study program of meteorology, we list several suggested courses in the second table that may be beneficial for future meteorologist.

NoIDCourse NameCredit UnitModulesINOPSAPre-requisiteCo-requisite
2ME3012Weather Modification2DownloadXXME2101, ME2204
3ME3013Meteorological Survey and Instrumentation3DownloadXXME2202
4ME3014Introduction to Atmosphere – Ocean Interaction2DownloadXME2205
5ME3015Maritime Meteorology3DownloadXXME2201, ME2205
6ME3017Water Resource Meteorology3DownloadXXME3104
7ME3018Mesoscale Meteorology3DownloadXXME2205ME3205
8ME3019Atmospheric Teledetection3DownloadXXME2204ME3202
9ME3097Practical Work2DownloadXXXME2201, ME2202, ME3102
10ME3098Field Work3DownloadXME2201
11ME4011Wind Energy Meteorology3DownloadXXME2205, ME3205
12ME4012Engineering Meteorology3DownloadXME2104, ME3104
13ME4013Air Pollution Meteorology (P)3DownloadXME3206, ME3203
14ME4014Urban Meteorology3DownloadXXXME3205
15ME4016Paleoclimatology2DownloadXME2101, ME3202
16ME4017Climate Change A (P)3DownloadXXME2101, ME3202
17ME4018Industrial Meteorology3DownloadXME3202
18ME4019Aviation Meteorology3DownloadXXME3105
19ME4020Rural Meteorology3DownloadX
20ME4021Introduction to Middle-Upper Atmosphere Dynamics3DownloadXME2205
21ME4022Climate Policy3DownloadXX

Some non-meteorology courses recommended by the study program:

NoKodeNama Matakuliahsks
1DK2109Proses Komunikasi2
2GD2002Pengantar Sistem Informasi Geografis2
3GD2105Pengantar Sistem Spasial2
4GD4101Sistem Informasi Geografis3
5GD4104Penginderaan Jauh Lingkungan3
6GL2212Geologi Struktur3
7GL3142Volkanologi dan Geotermal2
8GL3181Hidrogeologi Umum3
9GL4121Geologi Lingkungan3
10KI2121Dasar-Dasar Kimia Analitik4
11OS2101Pendahuluan Oseanografi3
12OS3001Oseanografi Lingkungan2
13OS3204Oseanografi Indonesia2
14SI2131Mekanika Fluida dan Hidraulika3
15SI2231Rekayasa Hidrologi3
16SI4131Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air3
17SI4232Rekayasa Sungai3
18TL2105Kesehatan Lingkungan3
19TL4122Pemantauan Pencemaran Udara2